Jessica Omotayo's Birth 22/03/2014

2014 March - April

Created by Olumuyiwa 10 years ago
You were born at home at 3 Ninnings Cottages, harpenden at about 4:20 pm on Saturday 22nd March 2014. You cried like a baby with joy to be with us and when you opened your eyes we were there and you knew that we love you very much. I was not sure what to do, so I phoned Luton and Dunstable hospital and emergency services with phones on both hands. I was instructed to remain on both lines until Ambulance arrived. When Ambulance arrived we were told there would be a midwife coming to us within half an hour. Later we were informed that the midwife would no longer attend but we should bring you to the hospital in the Ambulance. Sarah and her colleague from Watford Ambulance services phoned their colleagues for support. So you and your mum were transported to the hospital in a convoy of two Ambulance with four-member crew. I left your brother and sister (Justice & Jedidah) with our neighbour (Joel & Sonia Rodriguez-Gonzalez). I joined you and your mum in the hospital, that night you were transfered to NICU(Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). And that was when the fight began, you were very brave and strong. I wish I could do the fighting for you, I was prepared to give any part of my body in exchange for you being well and alive. Unfortunately the news came on 1st of April 2014 that the enemy you were fighting is a much stronger one chromosome 13 anomalies(Trisomy 13-Patau syndrome). Your mum and I were devastated, your brother and sister were confused. I asked many questions with no satisfying answers. Everyday, I woke up hoping there will be some miracles or some breakthroughs. I was even hoping that there was an error with the result. I tried to buy time hoping your trachea will get better and you will be able to breath without the aid of ventilator. Everyday I saw you fighting because you wanted to be with us. Every pain I noticed in your eyes was like a stab to my innermost part, wishing something will change for better in the next moment or even tomorrow. In the end your mother and me agreed to transfer you to Keech hospice on 11th April 2014. Condition of the transfer was to remove the ventilator tube and let you breath by yourself. In the hope that your trachea might have got better, they removed the ventilator tube around 2:00pm. You looked stable at first and suddenly you began to struggle. I was devastated same as your mother. And about 7:50pm you rested from all pains and remain in Jehovah's memory until when he will call you and you shall answer him in perfect health.(Job 14:15) Now when I look at you my dear Jessica Omotayo I feel like you are much stronger because nothing could scare you, you feel no more pains or worries and you are in the best place, Jehovah's memory waiting for the resurrection of the dead when pains, sorrow and death will be gone forever and death will have no more sting(1Corinthians 15:55). I can not wait, so are your mother, brother and sister for the time in Paradise when we can enjoy eternity together. We will be able to share more laughs, giggles, tickles, play and have lots of fun together. We love you very much and miss you. Lots of love, kisses and hugs from dad, mum, brother and sister(Olumuyiwa,Cornelia,Justice and Jedidah Ajireloja)